Yo Mama so Fat
Yo mama tips the scales! Check out these jokes about everbody's favorite obese woman.
Yo Mama so Stupid
Yo mama fails the IQ test! Discover just how stupid yo mama really is!

Yo Mama so Old
Yo mama older than a dinosaur. Find out just how old yo mama is.
Yo Mama so Ugly
Yo mama must have hit every branch when she fell out of the ugly tree! Take a look and see how ugly this girl can get!

Yo Mama so Poor
Yo mama couldn't afford anything as expensive as the dollar menu! Check out yo mama's money woes!
Yo Mama so Dirty
Yo mama might be mistaken for a garbage truck when she walks down the street! Find out where yo mama got that awful stink!

Yo Mama so Tall
Yo mama's always got her head in the clouds! See how tall yo mama can be!
Yo Mama so Short
Yo mama always has people tripping over her! Discover how tiny that woman is!

Yo Mama so Bald
Yo mama's got a head so shiny you can see yourself! Hear more about this bald girl's lack of hair!
Yo Mama so Hairy
Yo mama's possibly part gorilla with all that hair! See what frightening creature she was mistaken for this time!

Yo Mama so Skinny
Yo mama might just slip through the cracks! Find out how thin yo mama is!
Yo Mama Jokes
There's so much more to say about yo mama that we had to fit it elsewhere. Learn how greasy, flat, wrinkled, and lazy yo mama is!